Please find below the details you need in order to prepare for a fruitful, challenging and engaging semester. If you’d like to learn more about my class schedule, course rules and requirements or anything else - contact me today.
6am BTW - Driver's Ed
7:15 am - Classroom - Driver's Ed
9:00 am - Mrs. Brown (5th)
9:30 am - Miss Clapp (4th)
10:00 am - Mrs. Schable (3rd)
11:00 am - Mrs. Howard (K)
11:40 am - BTW - Driver's Ed
1:30 pm - Recess Duty
1:55 pm - Mrs. Leith (6th)
6am BTW - Driver's Ed
7:15 am - Classroom - Driver's Ed
9:00 am - Mrs. Youhas (2nd)
9:30 am - Mrs. Shonkwiler (4th)
10:00 am - Mrs. Douglas (3rd)
10:30 am - Miss Smith (1st)
11:00 am - Mrs. Vandeventer (K)
11:40 am - BTW - Driver's Ed
1:00 pm - Mrs. Brown (5th)
1:30 pm - Recess Duty
1:55 pm - Mrs. Leith (6th)
6am BTW - Driver's Ed
7:15 am - Classroom - Driver's Ed
9:00 am - Mrs. Smith (2nd)
9:30 am - Mrs. Shonkwiler (4th)
10:00 am - Mrs. Vandeventer (K)
10:30 am - Miss Barnes (1st)
11:00 am - Mrs. Howard (K)
11:40 am - BTW - Driver's Ed
1:30 pm - Recess Duty
1:55 pm - Mrs. Leith (6th)
6am BTW - Driver's Ed
7:15 am - Classroom - Driver's Ed
9:00 am - Mrs. Youhas (2nd)
10:00 am - Mrs. Schable (3rd)
10:30 am - Miss Smith (1st)
11:00 am - Mrs. Faust (K)
11:40 am - BTW - Driver's Ed
1:00 pm - Mrs. Morrow (5th)
1:30 pm - Recess Duty
1:55 pm - Miss Wells (6th)
6am BTW - Driver's Ed
7:15 am - Classroom - Driver's Ed
8:30 am - Miss Wells (6th)
9:00 am - Mrs. Smith (2nd)
9:30 am - Miss Clapp (4th)
10:00 am - Mrs. Douglas (3rd)
10:30 am - Miss Branes (1st)
11:00 am - Mrs. Faust (K)
11:40 am - BTW - Driver's Ed
1:00 pm - Mrs. Morrow (5th)
1:30 pm - Recess Duty
1:55 pm - Mrs. Thomas (6th)