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Villa Grove Fitness & Conditioning

Rules and Regulations

I.Uniform and Equipment

  1. Each student is required to have a uniform consisting of:

    1. Physical Education T-shirt-to be purchased from the school.

    2. Physical Education Shorts-to be purchased from the school with an elastic waistband, worn at the waist, not too tight, too loose, or too short.  Students should put his/her name on the label of the clothing for identification.

    3. White athletic socks.

    4. Tennis shoes, tied with laces.  Shoes must be suitable for use on a gym floor, with non-marking soles.

    5. Sweatshirts and sweatpants will be allowed only in cold weather when we participate outside-over your normal uniform.  Please be prepared and keep these in your gym locker.

  2. Equipment:

    1. School lock-students must use a lock issued by the school.  If lost, student will be required to purchase a new one from the school.

    2. Towels-for showering purposes.

    3. Soap and deodorant-non-aerosol and non-breakable containers.

    4. Hairspray-to be used in moderation or this will be banned from the locker rooms.

    5. Keep a pencil in your P.E. locker. 

  3. Locker inspection

II.Lockers and Locker rooms

  1. Each student will be assigned a gym locker and combination lock-for their use only.  For their protection, it is strongly recommended that they keep the combination private and not give it out.  It is also required that each student keeps his/her locker locked.  You are responsible for all of your belongings/lock at ALL times.  Leave valuable jewelry at home!

  2. Practice good hygiene!  Keep the locker room area neat and clean


III.Dressing Procedure

  1. All students are required to dress in uniform each day and participate in all activities.  Only those with medical excuses from their physician will be excused from participating, and will do an alternate assignment assigned by the Physical Education teacher in order to earn daily participation points.

  2. If a student does not have his or her clothes, then they will receive a ND, “No dress”, for the day.  They will be expected to walk the entire period. If a student is missing part of the uniform (ex. VG PE Shirt, shorts) it will be considered a “No Suit”, which results in a 5 point deduction per day. If a student does not have proper PE shoes, that will be considered a “No Dress”.

1.  1st ND                   25 point deduction from point total

2.  2nd ND                    75 point deduction from point total

NOTE:  3 No Dresses in a 9-week period constitutes failure of that 9-week period of Physical Education.  Students will be sent to study hall for the remainder of the quarter. 

  1. A student may be given an alternate assignment for one to two days with a parent’s note (one per nine weeks) but must have a physician’s note to be excused any longer. Please have the physician indicate how long the student will be out of PE and/or anything the student MAY do, including walking, etc.  A student with a medical excuse will be given an alternate assignment.   The assignment will be determined on a case by case basis dependent on the length of the medical excuse.  Students with long term injuries may be sent to study hall to do research/independent study. The teacher, along with the student, parents, and principal, will handle overuse of the notes mentioned above.

  2. If a student cannot participate in PE, they may not participate in extracurricular activities (practices or games).

  3. All lost and found equipment will be discarded at the end of each month.  Check it out!

  4. All jewelry (watches, rings, earrings, necklaces, body piercing jewelry, etc.) should be removed before Physical Education class for your safety and the safety of others.  Lock it in your locker!

  5. Students will be allowed to shower.

  6. Clothes should be taken home each end of the week and brought back clean to start the next week.  There will be clothes checks occasionally on Mondays.


IV.Class Procedure

  1. Students must be in locker room/gym before the tardy bell rings.

  2. Students will be given approx. 5 minutes to dress and be seated IN THEIR ASSIGNED SPOT on the floor. Failure to do so will result in a tardy/Write up.

  3. Roll will be checked.

  4. Warm-up

  5. Activity for the day.

  6. Dress and wait inside the gym for the dismissal bell.


V.Grading Procedure

  1. Participation, Attitude, Cooperation, Sportsmanship, Respect, Proper Attire-10 points per day (approx. 450 points per quarter).  If you are absent you must do an alternate assignment in order to make up points missed for that particular day.  Students will be provided a list of options for making up points.  These options may include, but are not limited to:  sports articles with presentation, sports packets, short essays, refereeing, research papers, carrying equipment etc.

  2. Skills Tests:  approx. 100 pts./quarter

3.   Weekly Run tests/Sports Skills Tests Each Unit   10 pts each/20 pts. Each-students will be given weekly run test grading scale.

4.  Fitness Gram Testing *NEW* All student must be tested twice per year per STATE LAW. This includes PACER/MILE, push-ups, sit n reach, trunk list, and shoulder flexibility. (1st and 4th quarter) 10 pts

  1. Journals.  25 points each, Every week students will be asked to record their lifts/workouts in journal.


     GRADING SCALE-All Participation points, skills tests points, and Journal points will be given a point value as indicated above.    A letter grade will be applied based on the percentage of total points earned.  Approximately 750 points will be possible for the quarter and approximately 1500 points will be possible for the semester.  Variations may occur in participation point total due to holidays, snow days, and assemblies.


A         100%-90%                                                     

B         89%-80%

C         79%-70%

D         69%-60%

F          59% and below


  1. Dressing requirement-Note points taken off for no-dresses discussed earlier.

  2. Check on assignments missed when you are absent.

  3. Pre-arranged absence-speak with teacher.


  1. Injuries-Report these immediately to your Physical Education teacher, no matter how insignificant you may feel it is.


  1. Misc.

    1. No food, candy, or drinks in class or in the locker rooms/gym.

    2. No gum chewing in class.

    3. Keep hands to yourself and no horseplay

    4. No fighting, swearing, climbing on the bleachers, pounding on the lockers, or inappropriate behavior will be allowed.

    5. Practice good sportsmanship at all times.



Sign and return as soon as possible:

I have read the information regarding Physical Education class at Villa Grove Schools.




______________________                                        ___________________________

Student Signature                                                       Parent Signature

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